The Neighborhood Service Offices (NSO) receive student mail from USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL and other mail carriers. U.S. Mail is not delivered on weekends and holidays. Please note that the NSOs do NOT accept Instacart, GrubHub or any other grocery/food delivery services.
Students will receive an email to their ECU email address notifying them when they receive mail or a package. This email notification will come from our EZTrackit mail system ( and may differ from any other shipping notifications you receive for package delivery. Students may retrieve their mail with valid photo ID during NSO hours.
Never send cash through the mail. The following format should be used on all incoming campus mail:
Student's First and Last Name
Residence Hall Name and Room Number/Box Number
East Carolina University
1000 E. Fifth St.
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Please make sure that all your student's mail is addressed using their legal name, as this is the name we have uploaded into our mail system. If mail is addressed using a nickname, it may delay or prevent it from being delivered.
The Neighborhood Service Offices only receives mail and cannot accept any outgoing mail. Outgoing mail can be sent from the post office on 10th Street next to Pirate’s Deli (right across from the Science and Technology building).
Why does my mail carrier (USPS, FEDEX, UPS etc…) say my package has been delivered but the Neighborhood Service Office doesn’t have it?
In some cases the notification received indicates that the package was received by the carrier distribution center. Items are then sorted and received to ECU Mail Services which then distribute the mail to the respective NSO.
My mail is missing what do I do now?
In most cases mail usually finds its way to the correct office. Delays are caused most commonly by wrong addressing, such as not listing the students name, hall or room number correctly. If you are expecting something and have not received it after a few days let the NSO know and they will do periodic searches for it. If using FEDEX or UPS there will most likely be a signature for the package. This information will be helpful in determining where your package may be.
What is the box number ? Or how does my student get that
I had something shipped to my student and tracking says it arrived Sept. 27 but he hasn’t received it yet. 27th was 6 days ago.