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Will Williams almost 4 years ago said

Tracy, no worries happy to explain. ECU practices a three semester academic calendar. Fall Semester, Spring Semester and Summer Semester. In a normal academic year a student would take and average 12-16 hours per semester. Each class is around 3-4 hours depending if the class has a lab or not. This would average around 4-5 classes each semester. Students will attend each class two or three times a week for 16-18 weeks give or take. They will usually only be in a class for an hour at a time.

For example, lets say a student is taking: English Lit (3hrs), College Algebra (3hrs), Art Appreciation (3hrs), Western Civilization (3hrs) and Biology (4hrs). This equals out to 16hours a semester.

With Block scheduling the student would take the same amount of classes they would in a normal semester, however the semester will be divided into two 8 week blocks.

So let's say the same student has the same schedule: English Lit (3hrs), College Algebra (3hrs), Art Appreciation (3hrs), Western Civilization (3hrs) and Biology (4hrs).

Instead of taking all 5 classes in a 16-18 week semester. The students courses are compressed into two 8 week blocks. The student will only take 2-3 class for 8 weeks. In stead of the student being in the class for 3 hours a week they more than likely might be in the class for two hours a day. It's a faster paced schedule with less classes to have to focus on.

I hope this helped. Please let me know if you have further questions.

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Tracy Cannon almost 4 years ago said

This definitely helps thank you so much!