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Spencer Jones 7 months ago said

Hello Jackie,

East Carolina University does not own any of the surrounding apartment complexes, although they may partner with the university. If you and your student are looking for off-campus apartments, I would recommend looking for "student living" as only students to the university are allowed to live there. Also, East Carolina does offer a suite style residence hall for upperclassmen called College Hill Suites, which is a very popular option.

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jackie McKeithan 6 months ago said

for apartments that you may partner with, could it be listed on the ECU bill? or totally separate and out of pocket? Checking to see would scholarships, financial aide, etc... cover any apartments.

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Spencer Jones 6 months ago said

Hi Jackie,

Apartment rent would be a separate bill that you will receive from the apartment complex. It will not show upon your student's tuition bill.

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jackie McKeithan 6 months ago said

ok, thanks.